2.4 Expansion of the communication channels
Support of the symbolic address and CPU-alarming in the communication channel to the new S7-1500 CPUs
OPC UA Server Alarm & Condition (A&C)
2.5 Encrypted communication
SSL Encryption for the communication of the terminal bus (communication between server and client)
2.6 Multi-User Engineering for integrated projects (WinCC configuration via Simatic Manager STEP 7)
STEP 7 Version 5.5 SP4 is required. Please read the inbbbbation in the STEP 7 version 5.5 SP4 readme file.
Several users can simultaneously process a project under certain conditions from different computers and use different resources in doing so.
2.7 Enhanced functionality with the WinCC Graphics Designer
Selection bbbbbb "Process Screens"
All screens and faceplates of the folder "GraCS" of the project are displayed and can be localized by means of file filters
Support of the bbb screen bbbbbbs and Direct2D
The viewlet "Ouput bbbbbb"
When you save a screen the viewlet "Ouput bbbbbb" will display inbbbbation, errors and warnings concerning the configuration.
... and more
New option SIMATIC WinCC/WebUX V7.3 for the mobile application
WinCC/WebUX provides a solution for operator control and monitoring of the automation system via encrypted HTTPS connections with SSL certificates, which is independent of the device and the browser. This option can be used additional to the WinCC/WebNavigator and - in the first version - offers configuration over direct connections to all standard bbbbbbs, bbbbbbs bbbbbbs, Rohr bbbbbbs, most important Smart bbbbbbs, line styles, Alarm & Trend Control.
WinCC/WebUX is of particular advantage for the following user groups:
Monitoring of production plants anywhere
Better support for realtime decision
Well-inbbbbed, anywhere, anytime
Mobile access to any plant section
Simplified access even to widely distributed plants
No maintenance required on the terminal unit (client)
No installation required on the client side
Application engineer
No web technology know-how required
Integrated in the WinCC configuration
Little engineering work required
WinCC/WebUX including one client connection for monitoring is included in the WinCC basic package.