银川太阳能路灯,银川太阳能路灯厂家价格,银川太阳能路灯安装太阳能一体灯是一体化的太阳能产品,简约的造型融合了当今最佳的绿色的能源组合(太阳能,半导体LED光源,磷酸铁锂电池)。配有人体智能感应系统,实现了低功耗,长时间,高亮度,寿命免维护。同时运输和安装十分方便。Our integrated solar street light which integrates the green-energy parts solar panel, LED lamp and the Li-Fe battery into a single product, is with human intelligence induction system to gain the solution of low-energy, long-time, high-luminance and free maintenance. And the same time, it’s convenient in the shipment and installation.
安装在各种交通道路、辅道、小区道路、 庭院、 矿区及不易拉电的场所、公园照明、停车场等为夜晚提供道路照明,太阳板给蓄电池充电以满足照明。To be installed in the garden, residential area, courtyard, road, mine area or parking area or provide the light in roads where it’s necessary, the battery provide the energy for lighting, and the solar panel charge for the battery.
构成:Product parts:
The product is made up with the integrated parts (solar panel, Li-Fe battery, LED, MPPT controller and human intelligence induction system) and the light pole.
原理:Working characters:
白天在阳光下太阳能电池板产生电源,通过控制功能,太阳能电池板给蓄电池充电,晚间自动点亮LED灯,(人体感应模式,降低功耗)通过LED灯发光照亮道路。The solar panel converts sunlight into electricity and stored in Li-Fe battery via controller, the LED light will work in night automatically by light sensor control, and provide light for the darkness area, the human intelligence induction system can save the energy when the lighting is not necessary.银川太阳能路灯,银川太阳能路灯厂家价格,银川太阳能路灯安装 |