详细说明 |
品牌:天联 | 产地:河北 | 价格:12人民币/米 | 规格:RVVS-2*1.5 | 简要说明: 天联牌的RVVS-2*1.5产品:估价:12,规格:RVVS-2*1.5,产品系列编号:齐全 | | ![](UserDocument/2015a/dianlan99/Picture/20152114038.jpg) | | 详细介绍:
Tianjin Cable General Factory first branch factory, founded in 1971, the enterprise has more than 300 workers, engineering and technical personnel more than 30 people, the factory covers an area of 2000 square meters, with 15000000 yuan in fixed assets, enterprises have the production and testing equipment more than 120 Taiwan (number of pieces), the annual output value of 150000000 yuan. Over the years, I plant products used in the dozens of coal industry group and mines, gained high praise and evaluation. Enterprises with "integrity-based, customer first, quality first" for the purpose, passion to serve customers and the public are welcome to propose more guidance to the products of our factory, and seek common development.产品简介 本产品适用于额定电压500V及以下对于防干扰性要求较高的电子计算机[1]和自动化连接用电缆。电缆地线芯绝缘采用具有抗氧化性能的K型B类低密度聚乙烯。聚乙烯的绝缘电阻高,耐电压好,介电系数小和介质损耗温度和变频率的影响也小,不但能满足传输性能的要求,而且能确保电缆的使用寿命。 为了减少回路间的相互串扰和外部干扰,电缆采用屏蔽结构。电缆的屏蔽要求是根据不同场合分别采用:对绞组合屏蔽、对绞组成电缆的总屏蔽、对绞组合屏蔽后总屏蔽等方法。 屏蔽材料有圆铜线,铜带、铝带/塑料复合带三种。屏蔽对与屏蔽对具有较好的绝缘性能,电缆在使用中若屏蔽对屏蔽对之间出现电位差时,不会影响信号的传输质量。 二、技术参数 产品额定电压(U0/U):300/500V 长期工作温度为70℃ 敷设时环境温度不低于:固定敷设-40℃,非固定敷设-15℃ 最小弯曲半径:无铠装层应小于电缆外径的6倍,带铠装层的电缆应不小于电缆外径的12倍 在20℃时用直流500V电压试验稳定充电1min后绝缘电阻应不小于2500MΩ•Km 各对绞屏蔽之间以及对绞屏蔽与总屏蔽之间应不断路 电缆的线芯和线芯之间以及屏蔽之间应经受50HZ,交流2000V电压试验5min不击穿 三、计算机电缆型号 DJYPV1*2*1.0 DJYPV2*2*1.0 DJYPV3*2*1.0 DJYPV4*2*1.0 DJYPV7*2*1.0 DJYPV10*2*1.0 DJYPV12*2*1.0 DJYPV14*2*1.0 DJYPV19*2*1.0 DJYPV1*2*1.5 DJYPV2*2*1.5 DJYPV3*2*1.5 DJYPV4*2*1.5 DJYPV7*2*1.5 DJYPV10*2*1.5 DJYPV12*2*1.5 DJYPV14*2*1.5 DJYPV19*2*1.5 DJYVP1*2*1.0 DJYVP2*2*1.0 DJYVP3*2*1.0 DJYVP4*2*1.0 DJYVP7*2*1.0 DJYVP10*2*1.0 DJYVP12*2*1.0 DJYVP14*2*1.0 DJYVP19*2*1.0 DJYVP1*2*1.5 DJYVP2*2*1.5 DJYVP3*2*1.5 DJYVP4*2*1.5