审核的主要内容分为以下 13 个绩效区域:
P. 1: Supply Chain Management and Cascade Effect 供应链管理及级联效应
P. 2: Workers Involvement and Protection 工人参与和保护
P. 3: The rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 结社自由与集体谈判权
P. 4: No Discrimination 不歧视
P. 5: Fair Remuneration 公平报酬
P. 6: Decent Working Hours 体面劳动时间
P. 7: Occupational Health and Safety 职业健康与安全
P. 8: No Child Labour 不雇用童工
P. 9: Special Protection for Young Workers 保护青年工人
P.10: No Precarious Employment 无缺乏保障就业
P.11: No Bonded Labour 无强迫劳动
P.12: Protection of the Environment 保护环境
P.13: Ethical Business Behaviour 道德的商业行为