详细介绍: BSCI验厂结束后工厂怎样查询自己BSCI认证的成绩? 以下为操作步骤: Operate Steps URL: http://www.bsciplatform.org/ 一:登录系统, 根据报告提供的E-mail账号和密码 Login on the system based on provided email account and password. 二:登录后出现如下界面 You will find below screen after login on. 三:点击界面右上角的图标 Click the picture in top right corner. 四:出现工厂信息界面 You will find the information screen of factory. 五:将界面拉到最下方. Beneath of the interface 六:点击Re-audit或 Full audit即可查看报告. Click Re-audit or Full audit button and then you will review the report. 七:如果跳出以下界面,请关掉此界面,再重复点击“full audit” or “re-audit” 进入报告界面 If you click the button once, no report show; you can close the window and click the full-audit or Re-audit button for second time. Total Score:
最终结果: Good-------2 Point (2分) Improvement- Needed-----1 Point (1分) Non-Compliant----------0 Point (0分) 博邦验厂咨询,为您提供更多验证、验厂咨询服务,保证100%通过各类客户验厂和认证!