详细介绍: 高压 XRNP-12、XRNP-24、XRNP-40.5[详细内容] □本产品使用于户内交流50Hz,额定电压3.6-40.KV系统作为电压互感器的过载及短路保护之用。(通过了国家高压电器质量监督检测中心型式试验,产品符合GBl5166.2和IEC282-1)。
This product can be used in indoor system of Ac50Hz and rated voltage of 3.6-40.5KV to protect the voltage mutual-inductor from over loading and circuit break.(tested by-inductor from overloading and circ-uit break.(Tested by National high-voltage quality Supervising and Testing Center,in accordance with GBl5166.2 and lEC282-1). ◆型号说明 Type instruction 上海侨仁电气有限公司总经理同全体员工欢迎新老客户来电垂询洽谈业务。公司全体员工向工作在电力事业一线的朋友们问好,你们辛苦了!!!! 联系人:小幸 联系电话:18806777026 |