详细介绍: BZN8050防爆防腐照明开关,防爆照明开关厂家,专业生产防爆防腐开关
防爆防腐照明开关价格,防爆防腐照明开关厂家,防爆防腐照明开关 BZM8050系列防爆防腐照明开关(ⅡC) 适用范围 1区、2区危场所. IIA、IIB、IIC类性气体环境
产品特点 外壳为增安型结构,采用高强度难燃塑料压制而成,外形美观且具有抗静电耐冲击及稳定性好又耐腐蚀等优良性能。 内装控制开关为隔爆元件,为二极BK8030系列控制开关. 电缆布线. 符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079
*注:本产品通头配置G/34“,如用户要求通头配置为G1/2“或G1"请注明.通头为普通型通头,如用户要求采用复合密封型则请注明。 乐清旭升照明专业生产CBZM8060系列防爆防腐照明开关 CBZM8060 BZC53 LBZ BZM8030 BZM8050 ZXF8030/51防爆接线箱 防爆主令控制器 防爆变压器防爆检修箱 防爆机旁箱 防爆启动器 防爆磁力启动器 防爆转换开关 防爆电源检修箱 防爆电缆盘 防爆配电柜 防爆检修盘 防爆断路器
BZM8050系列防爆防腐照明开关销售热线 启东飞策防爆电器有限公司 联 系 人:小蔡 联系电话:13968781722 QQ:307226217 网站:www.b8894856.cn.alibaba.com Application Can be used Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places. Can be used in IIA,IIB,IIC group explosive atmosphere.
Features The shell is of safety-in creased type which is made of rihidfame-resistant plastic with aestheric appearance,functions of electrostatic resistant,impulsion-with standing,good stability and corrosion-proofing,etc. Inside is arranged explosion-proof switch which is double-ploe Bk8030 series Cablewirint. Suitable for GB3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request
*Note:The product’s hea’s normal dimension is G3/4",please noted if it is G1/2"or G1" by use’s demand.Through head is normal,please noted if the user demands combined seal type.
BZM8030防爆防腐照明开关 防爆防腐照明开关 防腐照明开关 |