





    PL-M20高频开关电源模块参数说明书 哈尔滨九洲电气制造
    发布者:qq1756964385  发布时间:2021-08-27 15:12:32  访问次数:506

    福建省二电新能源科技有限公司 技术热线:18050436329


    20A series frequency switching power supply module use advanced technology of three-phase active PFC and LLC control soft-switching technology, allow modules to  improve efficiency, reduce harmonics. Module adopts the method ,which is three-phase and three-input 380VAC , there is no neutral current loss. After a spike suppression circuits and EMI absorption circuit, the three-phase active PFC circuit three-phase , AC voltage is rectified to DC voltage, DC will be transformed into a high-frequency square wave voltage by the LLC resonant converter, and then filtered by the output rectifier circuit, to get a stable output voltage and current. When the input voltage and load changed, the feedback circuit will control LLC circuit to keep the output voltage and current stable.

    模块特点 Module Characteristics

    1. 交流输入范围宽:260~500VAC

    Wide range of input AC: 260~500VAC

    2. 先进的三相有源PFC技术: 更好地抑制高次谐波,THD满载时小于5%,功率因数可达0.99。

    Advanced PFC technique: high-frequency harmonic can be restricted better, and power factor can be 0.99

    3. 智能温控风冷方式:增加风机的使用寿命,使模块运行更可靠,噪音更小。

    Intelligent temperature-controlled wind cooling: the usage life of fan is prolonged, which              makes module running more safely.

    4. 先进的LLC谐振变换器技术:工作频率高,开关损耗小,转换效率高,大大减小磁性元器件体积,使模块体积和重量大幅减小。

    Advanced LLC resonant converter technology: high frequency, low switching loss, high efficiency, greatly reduce the size of magnetic components, the module size and weight significantly reduced.

    5. 先进的数字控制方式:摒弃了以前所用的模拟控制方式,改用数字控制方式。模块精度更高,响应速度更快,校验和升级也更加方便。

    Advanced digital control: to abandon the method ,which used analog-control previously, and use digital-control. Module has higher accuracy, faster response. Calibration and upgrade are more convenient.

    6. 模块支持热插拔,使日常维护和维修方便快捷。

    Module supports hot-swap, so that routine maintenance and repair quickly and easily.


    Ability to work independently: if the module brakes away from the monitor , it can work


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