





    ABB 3BSE017235R1
    发布者:xmwx0001  发布时间:2024-05-17 11:02:19  访问次数:59

    8820284P1 GE commutator cap
    882029P1 GE b* lever
    8820293P3 GE bearing cap
    8820294P1 GE bearing housing
    8820297P1 GE b* holder stud
    8822316P1 GE pinion gear, 17 teeth
    8823750P262 GE screw
    8823868P1 GE spring
    8823875P1 GE spring
    8823875P1-1 GE spring
    8824147P1 GE pinion gear, 15 teeth
    8828153P1 GE pinion gear, 19 teeth
    8828155P1M GE pinion gear, 17 teeth
    8828166P1M GE pinion gear, 17 teeth
    8828169 GE pinion gear, 21 teeth
    8828169P1 GE pinion gear, 21 teeth
    8828170P1 GE pinion gear, 18 teeth
    8828178P1 GE pinion gear, 16 teeth
    8828400P1 GE b*
    8829534P2 GE bolt
    8837776 GE pinion gear, 17 teeth
    8837795P1 GE bull gear, 55 teeth
    8836855P1 GE connector
    8837177G7 GE bolt and washer assembly
    8837615G2 GE pole piece (exciting)
    8837727P1 GE bull gear, 94 teeth
    8837743P1 GE bull gear, 72 teeth
    8837756P1 GE bull gear, 93 teeth
    8837760P1 GE bull gear, 91 teeth
    8837767P1 GE pinion, 16 teeth
    8837788P1 GE gear, wheel set
    8837869P2 GE armature head
    8843512P1 GE brearing housing for 5GE761A19
    8843525G1 GE b* holder
    8843544G1 GE armature shaft with plug for GE761A19 motor
    8843549G2 GE commutating field coil with pole piece
    8843549G4 GE coil with pole piece
    88435549G4 GE coil with pole piece commutating for 5GE761A19, 5GE761A23
    8846157G6 GE body, cylinder
    8846828P2 GE support
    8850109G3 GE coil
    8850155P1 GE slinger
    8850489P1 GE slinger
    8852109G3 GE coil
    8855139G3 GE axle cap for 5GE761A19, 5GE761A23
    8855153G12 GE exciting field (open) for 5GE761A19
    8855153G14 GE exciting field (close) for 5GE761A19
    8860205G1 GE contact
    886047G1 GE coil
    8860474G1 GE coil
    8860477G1 GE coil
    8860749G1 GE contact
    8860832G1 GE contact
    8861284P2 GE pin, stop, guide, suspension
    8862957P1 GE spring
    8864352G4 GE wick
    8864950P110 GE washer
    8864950P120 GE washer

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