细砂回收机的工作过程泵将砂水混合物输送至旋流器,离心分级浓缩的细砂经沉砂嘴提供给振动筛,经振动筛(配用聚氨酯筛板)脱水后,细砂与水有效分离,少量细砂,泥等经返料箱再回到清洗槽,清洗槽液面过高时,经出料口排出,调,从而完成清洗,脱水和分级三种功能,该机广泛应用于水电站砂石骨料加工系统,人工制砂生产线,选煤厂粗煤泥的回收,选矿厂尾矿回收及环保工程(泥浆净化)等,可有效解决细砂回收问题vibrating screen adopts polyurethane screen mesh,which has long lifetime and is not easy to block up the hole.the inner part of swirler has polyurethane,which improves the lifetime of whole equipment,and finish slurry concentrator and fluide clarifiant.fine sand recovery system can recover 85% of the whole fine particle,and has technological and economical advantages.he fine particle can recover abundantly and reduce the work of settling pond and lower the cost of clearing the pond 型号model 旋流器规格cyclone specifications 处理量capacity 泵pump 脱水筛dewatering screen 功率power 尺寸size 型号model 面积将area 功率power lzts06-300 250 mm 30-80 m3/h 11kw 2.5' inch 0.6x2.25 m 1.35 ㎡ 2x0.75 kw lzts08-300 300 mm 40-100 m3/h 15kw 3' inch 0.8x2.25 m 1.8 ㎡ 2x1.5 kw lzts10-350 350 mm 70-130 m3/h 18.5kw 3' inch 1.0x2.25 m 2.25 ㎡ 2x1.5 kw lzts12-550 550 mm 100-220 m3/h 22kw 4' inch 1.2x3.0 m 3.6 ㎡ 2x3.0 kw lzts14-750 750 mm 180-350 m3/h 37kw 6' inch 1.4x3.0 m 4.2 ㎡ 2x3.0 kw lzts16-900 900 mm 250-500 m3/h 55kw 8' inch 1.6x3.75 m 5.25 ㎡ 2x5.5 kw lzts16-650 2*650 mm 300-500 m3/h 55kw 10' inch 1.8x3.75 m 6.00 ㎡ 2x5.5 kw lzts18-750 2*750 mm 400-600 m3/h 75kw 10' inch 1.8x3.75 m 6.75 ㎡ 2x7.5 kw 脱水筛,细沙回收机,脱水筛分机,脱水筛_尾矿脱水筛_高频脱水筛_振动脱水筛,细砂脱水机