





    Shandong Leeteuk trading co., ltd
    发布者:sdhltsmyxgs1  发布时间:2017-06-21 08:26:10  访问次数:95

    Shandong Leeteuk trading co., ltd - sales hotline: + 866358883555, mobile phone: + 8613963526116, wechat zggtgc

    Seamless steel pipe is a kind of circular, square and rectangular steel with a hollow cross section and no joint.

    Seamless steel pipe size: 8-1240 * mm 1-200

    The production process of hot-rolled seamless steel pipe, thermal expansion, cold drawn:

    Seamless steel tube

    Seamless steel tube is ingot or billet made by solid capillary hole, then hot, cold or cold drawing made. Specification for seamless steel tube with outer diameter * wall thickness mm. Seamless steel pipe hot rolling and cold rolling (DIAL) seamless steel pipe two categories. Hot rolling seamless steel pipe, general steel pipe, low, medium pressure boiler tubes, high pressure boiler tubes, alloy steel pipe, stainless steel pipe, oil cracking pipe, and other steel pipe, etc.. Cold rolling (DIAL) seamless steel pipe in addition to general steel, low medium pressure boiler tubes, high pressure boiler tubes, alloy steel pipe, stainless steel pipe, oil cracking pipe, other steel pipe, but also include carbon thin wall steel tube, alloy thin-walled steel tube, stainless steel tube, stainless steel tube. The outer diameter of the hot rolling seamless pipe is generally greater than 32mm, the wall thickness is 2.5-75mm, the diameter of the cold rolled seamless steel tube can reach 6mm, the wall thickness can be 0.25mm, the outer diameter of the thin-walled tube is less than 5mm, and the cold rolling is more than that of the hot rolling.

    General use of seamless steel pipe is 10, 20, 30, 35, 45 and other high quality carbon steel 16Mn, 5MnV and other low alloy structural steel or 30CrMnSi, 45Mn2, 40MnB, 40Cr, etc.. 10, 20 and other low carbon steel seamless pipe is mainly used for fluid conveying pipe. 45, 40Cr and other medium carbon steel made of seamless tubes used to manufacture mechanical parts, such as automotive, tractor parts. The general use of seamless steel pipe to ensure the strength and flattening test. Hot rolled steel tubes for hot rolling or heat treated state delivery; cold rolling to heat treatment delivery.

    As the name implies, hot rolling, rolling temperature is high, so the deformation resistance is small, can achieve large deformation. In rolling steel plate as an example, the general slab thickness is about 230mm, and after roughing mill and finishing mill, the final thickness is 1~20mm. At the same time, because of the small size, the size of the plate is relatively low, the problem is not easy to appear, to control the degree of convexity. For organizations that have requirements, generally by controlled rolling and controlled cooling to achieve, namely control of finishing rolling temperature, final rolling temperature and coiling temperatures to control strip microstructure and mechanical properties.


    Product name of the spot material implementation of standard stock specifications products

    Alloy tube 12Cr1MoVG








    12Cr2MoWVTiB< 102> GB5310-1995 Gangyan




    SA335 ASTM

    SA213 ASTM


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